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Описание материала:

The Contra performance light wind kite is specially designed to maximize the kite’s power production in light winds. The Contra is designed to be a light wind extension to any kite in our range. The Contra delivers distinctly sharp and precise turning that makes generating power and speed a snap, while maintaining the agility of a smaller kite. It’s this type of performance that has widened the scope of what is possible in light winds. Whether you are riding freestyle, wakestyle, surf or just burning around, the Contra has the muscle to get you up and riding when the winds are barely showing signs on the water.

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Почтовая форма - Mail form

Вы можете отправить письмо через эту форму, либо написать нам со своего почтового ящика сюда - kitelife@mail.ru

You can send us a letter using this form or contact us from your own E-mail to kitelife@mail.ru

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